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I'm A Social Justice Warrior! (For Unborn Children)

Yes, I have now admitted to it, I am a social justice warrior! For politics? No. For feminism? No. For wildlife? No. While all those things are important in their own right, some a little distorted lately but still important, I'm actually a social justice warrior for the lives of millions of unborn children across the world. The children that don't have a voice and the children that are being killed on a daily basis. According to the CDC 699,202 legal abortions were performed in the year 2012. (I didn't cherry pick the year that had the most abortions that is the latest stat that I was able to find on the CDC website.) By simply typing in abortion statistics in your google search bar you can find these numbers issued by the CDC, they aren't hard to find, but they are constantly ignored.

According to the CDC 91% of these 699,202 abortions were performed at 13 weeks, so now I will explain to you what a baby looks like and how far along a baby is developed at 13 weeks.

Above is a picture of a baby at 13 weeks. Their head is the largest part of their body, but at 13 weeks the rest of the body begins to catch up with the development of the head. At this time fingers and toes are completely visible, the heart is beating and has been beating for a while now, the baby has fingerprints which are distinct between each and every human no one has the same fingerprints, also if you are having a girl she has over 2 million eggs in her ovaries. And one last important fact is that your baby is beginning to feel things. If you poke your tummy at 13 weeks the baby inside will feel it.

Now that I have given a little bit of the background of a stage in pregnancy were most in America believe that the child isn't really alive yet, I will get to the reasons why I am social justice warrior for unborn children. About two months ago I came across a video on my facebook account that said something like "These People Changed Their Minds About Abortion After Seeing This Video". I watched that video and then followed the link to watch the video the people were watching, this video that made them change their minds about abortions. It was a video made by a doctor who used to routinely perform abortions, he is a pro-life activist now and he has made several videos showing what happens in abortions at the different stages of pregnancy. His story is compelling and his videos are gut-wrenching. (Check out to find out more about him. )

When I watched the video showing a D&E abortion, which takes place between 13 and 24 weeks, I broke down and cried. Never before had I realized what happened during an abortion and I had never really cared to look into it. I was always against abortion, as a Christian I see it as murder, but this made me become an SJW for the rights of unborn children who are being killed daily for no valid reason. (This doctor also explains why "medically necessary abortions" are essentially a myth and irrelevant, also hard case abortions make up less than 1% of all abortions that includes rape and incest cases.)

This video is not easy to watch, but I would encourage everyone to watch it and understand what abortion means and what it does. He also explains the side effects that affect the Mother of the baby.

After watching that video I hope that you too have become a social justice warrior for the rights of unborn children, not just in America, but across the world. Those 699,202 babies that were killed in 2012, those were just in the United States alone. Abortions are performed almost everywhere across the globe. If we do not stand against the murdering of the innocent there will be a continual slaughter. It must be stopped. These babies don't have voices, we do, we know better and we have to fight to save their lives.

I rarely get wound-up about political issues, but this is a game changer for me. I have vowed never to support politicians in favor of this and I will keep that vow. For too long we have let this continue, too long. Stop feeding yourself the lie that it is the Mother's choice and it is her body, it clearly isn't. We need to stand up for these children, if we don't no one will.

I am going to fight. Are you?

Note: A social justice warrior normally 'fights' for progressive view points, such as LGBT rights or feminism, I don't fight for either of those things so I just wanted to make that abundantly clear. I am calling myself an SJW, but for the rights of unborn children not for what SJWs traditionally fight for or speak against.

Thanks for reading!

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